About Us
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Fox and Cactus is an online store run by a super cool couple who are both artists/animators, Emma and Tom. They run the store out of their home in Queensland, Australia, and they still can't believe that they get to share their passion with others all over the world!
All products created for Fox and Cactus are exclusively designed by Emma and Tom. Emma loves all things cute, bright, and happy (with a sprinkle of sass and adorable grumpiness), and illustrates the majority of the artwork for the store, she is also the one who is usually lurking behind the keyboard on Instagram and Facebook. Tom is the glue that stops Emma from falling apart, the creator of all our amazing 3D products (models, clips, etc.), and the machine behind the order processing!
Basically, they are just a couple who are lucky enough to do what they love, and have an awesome community of people who love their work.